The morning of Friday, July 26, 2019 saw a large crowd of members and guests assembled in The Stretch Glass Society Convention Room at Quality Inn-Marietta. First up on the agenda was a seminar on the similarities and differences of US Glass Line #s 310, 314 and Rays & Points. The speakers, Tom Monoski and Cal Hackeman, had assembled a display of many of the sizes and shapes of stretch glass in each of these lines. Originally advertised as also including the Line #317, Cal began the discussion by admitting that apparently Line #317 only exists in his imagination, as no catalog or other original documents have been found indicating a Line #317 of stretch glass by US Glass. Instead, we have an unnumbered line – only because we have not found documentation of it – which has been dubbed “Rays and Points” by researchers and authors. Cal suggested that maybe, in time, Rays & Points will be identified as Line #317, but for now we will have to be content to call it “Rays & Points.”
Tom commented on the origins of US Glass, a conglomerate of a number of glass companies brought together to create efficiency and scale in the 1890s. Tiffin was one of those companies and the Line #310 was made from what are today known to be Tiffin Molds. Interestingly, stretch glass was not made at the Tiffin factory; it is believed to have been made at two other factories in the US Glass “family.” Tom also reminded us that while we attempt to neatly categorize our stretch glass by the US Glass Line #s, we should keep in mind that US Glass was a business; they were primarily interested in making stretch glass which would sell and not necessarily concerned about how the pieces from the various lines were marketed. One example of this is that candleholders which are today identified as Line #310 (based on contemporaneous catalog images) are often found with bowls which are today identified as “Rays & Points.”
Cal commented on the characteristics of each of the lines and offered tips on how to identify them “in the wild” as well as in our collections. The various colors in which stretch glass is found in each line and the various items which were made in each line were also discussed. As is typical with stretch glass, certain colors and shapes are more readily available than others. Reproductions of catalog pages featuring Line #310 items were on display. The audience had many questions and comments which enhanced the informative presentation.
A few minutes after the US Glass seminar concluded, Kathi and Galen Johnson briefed the group on the new stretch glass pricing database and tool. While the database and tool are being developed in the same software as the Hooked on Carnival pricing tool for carnival glass, additional elements have been introduced in the stretch glass tool to accommodate the unique nature of stretch glass. The database currently has approximately 1,500 sold auction prices and additional prices are being added to it regularly. Kathi demonstrated how to find information on particular pieces of stretch glass, all of which were supplied by Wally McDaniel. This part of the workshop was made more interesting by Wally having included a number of similar but different examples of stretch glass, providing Kathi with ample opportunity to showcase how specific the pricing tool can be in identifying an item of stretch glass.
Kathi indicated that we are in need of individuals who are knowledgeable in identifying stretch glass to participate in the reviewing of stretch glass sold at auction in preparation for the items to be added to the database. Anyone willing to assist with this process should contact Kathi or President Cal via president@stretchglasssociety.org.
One of the tables was the Bill Crowl Memorial Education Fund display featuring one of three known 17” Fenton Ruby Salvers and a selection of SGS Souvenirs from previous conventions.
Everyone enjoyed a lunch of hot pizza which was followed by the discussion and presentation of member displays of stretch glass “Then and Now.” The members with displays talked about their first/early stretch glass focus and purchases and then commented on their current focus and purchases. Many of the displays featured a variety of stretch glass confirming the evolution of our stretch glass acquisitions. Several members commented on how they use their stretch glass in entertaining today as compared to only collecting and displaying it.
At the conclusion of lunch on Friday, the winners of the convention fund raiser were announced as Joanne Rodgers drew the winning tickets. First prize went to Augusta Keith who received an early period Fenton Celeste Blue large powder puff jar; second prize went to Arna Simpson who received a late period Ruby diamond optic basket; third prize went to Mary Elda Arrington, who received a late period Fenton Celeste Blue Daisy & Button “sample” bowl. Mary Elda announced that she was donating the “sample” bowl to the Museum of American Glass in West Virginia. Helen Jones, former President and current Board Member of the Museum, was on hand to receive the donation. We very much appreciate Mary Elda’s generosity and look forward to seeing this wonderful example of late period stretch glass on display in the Museum.
Helen Jones (right) receiving a gift of a late period Fenton Celeste Blue Daisy & Button “sample” bowl from Mary Elda Arrington on behalf of the Museum of American Glass.
President Cal thanked everyone for participating in our 46th Annual Convention and Show and invited everyone to stay for the Burns Auction, beginning at 3pm.
Some of the attendees of the 2019 Convention.