Part of the Club Display — see Convention Day 1 Report below
Thursday, July 25, 2019 — the first full day of The Stretch Glass Society 46th Annual Convention activities — began with a second session of flower arranging in stretch glass vases led by Vice President Bob Henkel. Several additional members joined the fun of learning how to create beautiful floral arrangements.
Dave Shetlar led a discussion of etchings and cuttings on Stretch Glass, complete with more than a dozen examples of early period stretch glass which was etched and/or cut at the time it was made.
Part of the Club Display featuring Bedroom and Bath stretch
Approximately 60 members gathered for lunch, hosted by John and Vickie Rowe, which was followed by the Annual Meeting of The Stretch Glass Society. Officers and Directors provided updates on their activities during the past 12 months, highlighting 5 successful Stretch Out Discussions and related Deluxe Edition Reviews, numerous displays, talks and articles which served to greatly expand interest in stretch glass (for examples, see the Presentations and Seminars page; Past Events; NDGA Newsletter Features Piece on Patterns and Optics in Stretch Glass (part 2 of 3)) and the production of the 2020 Stretch Glass Calendar featuring full-color photos of stretch glass (one complimentary calendar to each member present; calendars to all other members will be mailed in the near future). There was an update on the creation of a pricing database and look-up tool for stretch glass to soon include prices realized at auctions during the past 5+ years, information on advertising and promotion completed during the past 12 months and an update on our social media presence.
Retiring Vice President Bob Henkel was recognized with a President’s Award and was presented with two pieces of Russet stretch glass as a thank you for his years of service and generous support. President Cal was thanked for successfully leading The Society during the past two years. Certificates of Appreciation to all donors present at the meeting were also presented.
Elections were held resulting in the election of Vickie Rowe to become Vice President; Maxine Burkhardt and Kathi Johnson were re-elected Directors and Cal Hackeman was re-elected President. All will serve two-year terms ending in July, 2021. The membership approved the Board of Directors’ recommendation for no change in membership dues for 2020.
Following the Annual Meeting, Dave and Renée Shetlar presented the Combined Display of Bedroom and Bath stretch glass items.
Photos from the Thursday evening banquet
The day concluded with a delicious Prime Rib banquet followed by a presentation on “The Changing Forms of Vaseline Glass” by Vaseline Glass Collectors, Inc.’s Charter Member and Treasurer, Tom Foozer.
There was much anticipation of the 300+ stretch and other glass items which would be on display for the Tom & Debra Burns SGS Convention Auction, held the following day on Friday, July 26, 2019, beginning at 3pm.