I say Compote, you say Comport
The 2011 SGS Convention is but a memory – a very cherished memory – for all who attended. In 2011 we learned about stretch glass comports. The live auction that Bill Richards had on Friday, July 29th in the display room had a wide range of Stretch Glass pieces. There were a number of lucky bidders who got to take some of this great stretch glass home with them. We hope you enjoy these highlights from the 2011 Stretch Glass Convention, Show & Sale:
Compotes / Comports
Webster defines:
com.port \’kam-,po(e)rt,\ n : compote 2
com.pote \’kam-,pot\ n 1 : fruits cooked in syrup2 : a bowl of glass, porcelain or metal usually with a base and stem and sometimes a cover from which compotes, fruits, nuts or sweets are served
1921 Fenton catalog page. Note the salver and plate compotes.
Northwood comport advertisement -- part of the Rainbow line
Imperial: Comport, #600, Flared,
18 rays, Red, 7-1/2" h
We were of course only concerned with those made of glass and stretch glass in particular.
For a review of the 2011 Convention, Show and Sale click on the link to read the review that appeared in the August 2011 Newsletter: SGS 2011 Convention Review.