Stretch Glass Society Governance and Leadership
The Stretch Glass Society was recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code in 2016. Prior to 2016 the Society operated as a tax-exempt organization established for the benefit of its members under Section 501(c)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code. A Constitution and By-Laws, adopted by and amended from time to time by the membership, govern the operations of the Society. The Constitution and By-Laws are available in the members only section of this website. The governance of the Society is vested in a Board of Directors consisting of a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer and not less than three or more than seven Directors. All Officers and Directors are elected for 2-year terms.
The current Board of Directors consists of:
John and Vickie Rowe, Co-Presidents
Deb Brateng, Vice President
Joan Halliburton, Secretary; Director of Membership
Vernette Shaffer, Treasurer
Mary Elda Arrington, Director of Stretch Out Discussions
Tim Cantrell, Director of Outreach
Bob Henkel, Director of Fundraising
Jeff Hodges, Director of Newsletter
Dave Shetlar, Director of Social Media
Cal Hackeman, Director of Advertising and Promotion