2025 Stretch-Out Discussions

Discussions begin at 8 pm Eastern, 7 Central, 6 Mountain & 5 Pacific Time. All are welcome to join the Zoom meetings.
The Discussions will be conducted on the interactive Zoom platform. The Zoom invitation and photos of the stretch glass being discussed will be available on the website.

Come share in the discussion and show your stretch glass. The speakers for our discussions are Kitty and Russell Umbraco and Dave Shetlar, Cal Hackeman, and Sarah Plummer.

  • January 9, 2025:  Most Unusual Piece of Stretch Glass You Have in Your Collection (Show & Tell)

  • March 13, 2025:  Fenton’s Melon Rib Shapes and Colors

  • May 8, 2025: Diamond Optic / Diamond Quilting (Fenton & Northwood) (Show & Tell)

  • September 11, 2025:  Northwood’s “Tree-of-Life” Bowls and Comports

  • November 13, 2025: Holiday Stretch (Christmas & Hanukkah Colors) (Show & Tell)