There are several ways to get involved with The Stretch Glass Society and help us achieve our mission. These include:
Become a member of The Stretch Glass Society and receive The Stretch Glass Society Quarterly.
Contribute to The Stretch Glass Society by making a charitable, tax-deductible donation. Donations may be in the form of cash, stretch (or other) glass or in-kind services or goods.
You can navigate directly to the online membership registration and donation page to join and/or make a donation. A printable membership form is also available. For more information about membership, continue reading below.
MEMBERSHIPS And Subscriptions to the stretch glass society quarterly
Membership in The Stretch Glass Society has many benefits including a subscription to The Stretch Glass Society Quarterly, our information-packed newsletter. Those who are primarily interested in a subscription to The Stretch Glass Society Quarterly should sign up as an E-member. Your subscription to The Stretch Glass Society Quarterly will begin immediately and continue when you renew your E-membership each December.
Two types of annual memberships are available: E-memberships are for those who wish to receive The SGS Quarterly newsletter and most other communications by email. M-memberships are for those who prefer to receive The SGS Quarterly newsletter in printed form and all other communications by US Mail. While both versions of our newsletter are in full color, the email version is easily saved on your computer for future reference and is typically received a few days earlier than the ones which are mailed.
A membership in The Stretch Glass Society may be for an individual or for all members, age 18 and over, of the same household living at one address. For example, if Jane and John Doe living at 1 Main St, Your Town, USA, are both interested in learning about stretch glass and supporting The Stretch Glass Society, only 1 membership is necessary. Both Jane and John will be considered members but only 1 membership needs to be purchased/renewed. One copy of our newsletter and one convention registration form will be provided per membership. Multiple individuals may register for our annual convention on the registration form.
E-memberships are $18.00 per household per year. M-memberships are $28.00 per household per year for those with a US mailing address and $30 for those with a mailing address in Canada. Please contact us for rates in other jurisdictions. All payments for memberships should be remitted in US dollars. All memberships extend through December 31 of the current year and must be renewed at that time to continue receiving The SGS Quarterly newsletter and other membership benefits.
If you would like to become a member of The Stretch Glass Society and support our activities to preserve and promote stretch glass or make a tax-deductible donation (see below), you may do so on-line by visiting our online membership registration and donation page and entering your information there.
Benefits of Membership:
Receive four well-written, informative newsletters per year, presented in full color.
Early Registration for Annual Convention & Stretch Glass Show; reduced hotel room rate.
The opportunity to purchase annual convention souvenir stretch glass, subject to availability.
Opportunity to enter raffle drawings for iridescent stretch glass when offered in conjunction with our annual convention and stretch glass show -- and perhaps win a beautiful addition to your stretch glass collection.
Opportunity to attend and bid at the auction presented in conjunction with our annual convention and stretch glass show.
Stretch Glass Society Member Directory (updated annually).
Contact with lots of friendly people who understand and share your collecting passion.
Access to the password-protected (reserved for members only) “vault” on the SGS website. Inside the vault are over 150 issues of The SGS Quarterly filled with in-depth articles and photos of stretch glass. The members-only portion of the website also contains Annual Action Plans, Minutes of Board of Director Meetings, and other information from The Stretch Glass Society.
Opportunity to be a candidate for the Board of Directors and participate in the leadership and strategic direction of the Society.
Charitable Contributions
The Stretch Glass Society was recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code in 2016. Contributions to the Stretch Glass Society may be tax deductible as charitable contributions and will provide funding for the Society to pursue our mission to encourage and support interest in and learning and enlightenment of one of America’s heritages, iridescent stretch glass, which was produced by nine American glass companies ca. 1912-1932 and by one American glass company ca. 1980-2011. We are dedicated to preserving this beautiful glassware and the history of its manufacture as well as sharing current developments about stretch glass with collectors, museums, auctioneers, and all who share our enthusiasm for stretch glass. We provide a forum to promote friendship among those interested in stretch glass and to give each an opportunity to participate in new discoveries and experiences concerning iridescent stretch glass. We provide opportunities to learn the history of stretch glass and to stay abreast of recent discoveries and developments through our quarterly newsletter, The Stretch Glass Society Quarterly, in-person events and virtual discussions. We offer collectors and others interested in stretch glass an opportunity to share points of interest, to provide and benefit from on-going educational programs and materials and to enjoy the fun and fellowship of collecting iridescent stretch glass. Charitable contributions supplement funds raised from operations and memberships.
Monetary donations to the Stretch Glass Society may be made by visiting our online membership registration and donation page. Donations of stretch (or other) glassware or offers to provide in-kind services or goods should be arranged in advance by contacting the Co-Presidents of The Stretch Glass Society at All donations will be acknowledged by the Society.
We sincerely appreciate all contributions to The Stretch Glass Society and recognize each donor for their contributions. Designations may be achieved thru one-time or cumulative giving. Individuals reaching a new giving designation will be recognized at the Annual Convention Banquet (or at such other time and place as may be appropriate). All donors will receive The Stretch Glass Quarterly by email for the year following the date of their donation (ending on December 31). The designations are as follows:
The Stretch Glass Society graciously acknowledges those who support our mission through their donations:
Stretch Glass Society Patrons
Robert & Barbara Henkel
Stretch Glass Society Champions
Cal Hackeman & Jeff Hodges
Stretch Glass Society Contributors
Mary Elda Arrington
Joanne Rodgers
David & Renee Shetlar
Jim & Pam Steinbach
Gary Sullivan & Steve Lindquist
Nicholas Wukich
Stretch Glass Society Enthusiasts
Allen Berk
Dennis Catherman
Jeffrey Czech
Steve & Rita Ellwein
Michael & Cyndi Getchius
Dennis Groome
Lloyd & Ellen Hackeman
Pam Hamilton
Shirley Henry
Lance Hilkene & Patricia Gabree
Augusta Keith
Stephanie Leonard
Gary Lickver
Steve & Barbara Lucariello
Charlie Lyngass
Maria Martell
Wally McDaniel & Maxine Burkhardt
Cynthia Mensager
Sharon Mizell
Edward & Barbara Nunes
Ken Pakula
Michael Perry & Master Murtza
Arna Simpson
Richard Stickrod
Ken & Ellen Stohler
Nich & Rosemary Verna
David Vignolo & Bill Mitchell
Bruce & Ernie Yoder