How to Get the Most out of Participating in Stretch-Out Discussion Calls

As participation on The Stretch Glass Society Stretch-Out calls continues to increase we want to make certain everyone has an enjoyable and educational experience. With this in mind, we encourage you to call in to the conference phone number — 415-464-6800, followed by ID: 04211974# — a few minutes before the announced start time. When you join the call, please identify yourself by providing your name.  Our moderator will welcome you and will be compiling a list of all participants.  We will begin our Stretch-Out discussion promptly at 8pm Eastern Time.  At that time, the names of all participants will be announced by the Moderator.  If circumstances prevent you from joining the call prior to 8pm, you are welcome to join the call "in process," but please refrain from identifying yourself when you join us.  This will allow the Stretch-Out discussion to continue for the benefit of everyone.  Those joining the call in-process will have an opportunity to identify themselves at the conclusion of the call.

The Stretch-Out calls are live and interactive.  We encourage you to participate by offering comments and asking questions about the stretch glass being discussed.  We typically discuss the photos on each page of the corresponding photo album (linked from this page as a PDF close to the date of the call) and then move on to the next group of photos. Initially, our experts will discuss the featured stretch glass on the page.  Following their comments our Moderator will invite you to ask questions or make comments about the glass on the page under discussion.  Once everyone has commented and/or we have responded to all your question(s), we will move on to the next group of photos and repeat the process.  After the featured stretch glass has been discussed we invite you to ask questions about your stretch glass, share your recent stretch glass finds, and share any other information of interest to those on the Stretch-Out call.

While we do our best to conclude the Stretch-Out discussion within the hour, there may be situations which will cause the discussion to continue beyond the announced conclusion time.  We hope you will be able to stay with us for the whole discussion. We, of course, understand if your schedule requires you to leave the call prior to the conclusion of the discussion.  Please join us for as much of the discussion as your schedule permits.

One final comment, if you have stretch glass which you would like our experts to identify or discuss, it is very helpful for us to have a photo of your stretch glass.  Please forward your photos to or to prior to the call.

Thank you for your interest in stretch glass and The Stretch Glass Society.  We look forward to you participating in our upcoming fun and educational Stretch-Out discussion.

A follow-up summary of each Call is posted on the website within a few weeks afterward, under SGS Events / Stretch Glass Discussions.